Queijo Terrincho DOP

Description: The Queijo Terrincho PDO cheese is made with raw milk of Churra da Terra Quente breed of sheep. It’s a mature cheese with semi-hard to hard paste (Queijo Terrincho Velho) and white to yellowish shade.

Production method: After the sheep’s milking, the milk is filtrated and heated until 35 ⁰C. The rennet is added and left at rest. Then the coagulation, the curd is placed in the mouls, where the curd draining occurs and the whey is removed.

The cheeses are taken from mouls, salted and follow to the drying process. After these process occurs the maturation during 30 days (excepting for the Queijo Terrincho Velho that its period is 90 days) at temperature of 5 to 12 ⁰C and relative humidity of 80 to 85%. The cheeses are also washed and turned frequently.

Distinctive features: The distinctive features of Queijo Terrincho PDO cheese are due the way of keeping the sheeps, in extensive method.  In natural conditions in mountainous region of Terra Quente, with access to different pastures.
Regarding to the product, its diameter is about 13 to 20 cm and the weight is between 800 to 1200 g (600 to 1100 g for the Queijo Terrincho Velho). Its flavor is delicate, clean and typical (hard and typical for the Queijo Terrincho Velho).

Production area: Queijo Terrincho PDO cheese is made in the municipal areas of Mogadouro, Alfândega da Fé, Moncorvo, Freixo de Espada à Cinta, Mirandela, Vila Flor, Carrazeda de Ansiães, Vila Nova de Foz Côa, Macedo de Cavaleiros, São João da Pesqueira, Valpaços, Meda and Figueira de Castelo Rodrigo, in the districts of Bragança, Vila Real, Viseu and Guarda.

History: The Queijo Terrincho PDO cheese are linked to the Churra da Terra Quente breed of sheep, locally known as Terrincho. These were found in the Terra Quente area and in the valley of the river Douro, increasing their number substantially.
The first bibliographic reference was in 1900 by Cincinato da Costa e Luís de Castro, where it is evident the quality of milk from these ewes.

Product specifications (pdf)

Geographical area

Producer group
QUEITEC - Cooperativa dos Produtores de Leite de Ovinos da Terra Quente, CRL

Control and certification body
TRADIÇÃO E QUALIDADE - Associação Interprofissional para Produtos Agro - Alimentares de Trás - os- -Montes (AIPAATM)

Control plan
Control plan (pdf)

Publication in EU official journal
Reg. (CE) n.º 1107/96 - L148 21.06.1996
JOUE C 186/8 5.6.2020
Reg. (UE) 2020/1415 - L 326/3 8.10.2020

Publication in the Portuguese official journal
Aviso (2ª série) de 26.01.1994
Despacho n.º 16/94 (2ª série) 26.01.1994

Aviso n.º 7863/2000 (2ª série) 08.05.2000
Aviso n.º 7590/2000, de 03.05.2000
Aviso n.º 2601/2005 (2ª série) 15.03.2005
Aviso n.º 7217/2016, de 07 de junho
Aviso (extrato) nº. 6491/2016