Azeitona Galega da Beira Baixa PGI

Description: Azeitona Galega da Beira Baixa IGP means the prepared product obtained from the Galician variety of the species Olea europaea L..

Azeitona Galega da Beira Baixa IGP can be placed directly in brine, or prepared with spices or other products such as aromatic herbs (lau-rel, oregano, thyme, chilli) lemon and garlic.

The fruits of Azeitona Galega da Beira Baixa IGP have the following specific physical, chemical and organoleptic characteristics::

  • Average weight: variable between 2g and 3g;
  • Sodium chloride (NaCl): variable be-tween 5% and 10%;
  • Color: anthracite black to sepia brown;
  • Aroma: slight winey.

The Azeitona Galega da Beira Baixa IGP is available in the market in the following ways:

  • Whole olives: Olives, with or without stalk, with their natural shape and whose stone has not been removed;
  • Shredded olives: Olives cut in the longi-tudinal direction by cuts in the skin and part of the pulp;
  • Pitted olives: Olives from which the stone has been removed, maintaining their natural shape;
  • Sliced olives: Uncut or stuffed olives cut transversely into equally uniform thickness segments;
  • Olive paste: Obtained from ground olive pulp (min. 95%) and other ingre-dients can be added: extra virgin olive oil, salt, lemon, garlic and herbs (such as oregano, thyme, bay leaf, or chilly).

Production method: The fermentation of Azeitona Galega da Beira Baixa IGP is carried out by the natural curing method, and the traditional fermentation process used over generations between local players, enhances the character-istics of weight, color, salt content and a slight winey aroma that distinguish it from its peers.

Special features: The particular climate and the soils of the region, the traditional experience of the local population are responsible for the uniqueness of this kind of fruits .

Geographical area: The production area is limited to all the parishes of Covilhã, Belmonte, Fundão, Penamacor, Idanha-a-Nova, Castelo Branco, Vila Velha de Ródão, Proença-a-Nova, Oleiros, Sertã, Vila de Rei and Mação.

History: Olive cultivation is closely linked to the Beira Baixa region, as evidenced by several historical records, which indicate that by the early 16th century the olive grove was well established in the region, and in the vicinity of Castelo Branco were already extensive olive groves. The Azeitona Galega da Beira Baixa obtained through manufacturing processes and conservation techniques that have been passed down from generation to generation and which continue to this day, is considered a traditional product in this region, and has long occupied a important place both in the food of its inhabitants and in the development of the local economy.

Product specifications (pdf)

Single Document (pdf)

Geographical area

Producer group
APABI - Associação de Produtores de Azeite da Beira Interior

Control and certification body
CERTIS – Controlo e Certificação, Lda.

Control plan
Control plan (pdf)

Publication in EU official journal
JOUE L70/6 de 08.03.2023

Publication in the Portuguese official journal
Despacho n.º 10106/2019, de 8 de novembro
Despacho n.º 6249/2019, de 8 de julho