Cordeiro de Barroso PGI (Anho de Barroso, Borrego de Leite de Barroso)

Description: The Cordeiro de Barroso PGI is produced from the Churra Galega and Bordaleira de Entre Douro e Minho breeds of sheep. It is also known as Anho de Barroso or Borrego de Leite de Barroso

Production method: The traditional production method in the region is called vezeira, a system of communal pastoral grazing in which all the livestock, belonging to different owners, but from the same village, are put out to graze together. They feed on the natural vegetation which mostly consists of Erica pp., Ulex pp., Chamaespartium tridentallum, Halinium allysoides, Cystus and Genista. The lambs do not normally go out to graze with the ewes, but remain in pens; they are fed on mothers' milk and after one month start feeding on hay, willow branches, rye and dried fruit. They are slaughtered between the first and fourth month of life, at a live weight of between 6 kg and 20 kg.

Distinctive features: Cordeiro de Barroso PGI lamb is part not only from the local traditional cuisine but also from the customs of the local community. The inhabitants of Barroso still use cordeiro (lamb) as a form of currency today or as a gift at special occasions, such as at weddings, where a lamb is offered to the priest as a form of payment.

Production area: Cordeiro de Barroso PGI lamb is produced in the municipal areas of Boticas, Chaves, Mondim de Basto, Montalegre, Murça, Ribeira da Pena, Valpaços and Vila Pouca de Aguiar, in the Vila Real district.

History: The history of Cordeiro de Barroso PGI is linked to the rearing of lambs which is one of the most important sectors in livestock rearing in this region, with its harsh climate, infertile soil and rocky terrain. It is a sparsely populated area where the rearing of sheep is highly developed. The sheep are very important to the local rural population who once lived entirely on the income from this activity and the cultivation of potatoes and rye.

Product specification (pdf)

Geographical area

Producer group
CoopBarroso — Cooperativa Agrícola do Barroso, C. R. L

Publication in EU official journal
Regulamento (CEE) n.º 2081/92 do Conselho - C32 / 11
Regulamento (CE) n.º 148/2007 da Comissão de 15.02.2007

Publication in the Portuguese official journal
Despacho n.º 8767/2021 - 03.09.2021